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Contact:Manager Liu 13776319563
Technical support: Gu Gong 18913224469
Email address: gooaon@163.com
Company official website: www.sanchuangsz.com www.gooaon.cn
Ali Wangpu: https://gooaon.1688.com/
Company address: No. 56, Gangpu East Road, Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.


Reticulated water pipe Plastic zipper crushing and sorting solution

Date:2022/1/18 9:35:34 Hits:1190

Product Description

Application: SAF series separation equipment integrates conveying, storage and bagging, and is widely used in the separation of materials with different specific gravity. Especially for the miscellaneous materials with a specific gravity difference of more than 2 times, the cleanliness after sorting reaches more than 99.8%.


1. Front-end feeding, tail-end collection, automatic sorting, one person can operate the whole set of equipment

2. The whole process of sealing work, filtering dust, does not pollute the environment

3. Vibration + wind separation, replacing traditional water separation or incineration methods, is more energy-saving and environmentally friendly


When the material falls into the pulse curve and falls evenly, the material and the updraft form a countercurrent.

Taking advantage of the difference in specific gravity of different materials, light materials (such as dust, hair, label paper, fibers, films, etc.) are pumped away, and heavy materials are discharged from the bottom and sent to storage through different pipes for packaging.

The main parameters

Please consult the company's business personnel

Photovoltaic film sorting effect

Miscellaneous material crushing and sorting equipment

The main parameters

Next:Waste tire crushing and recycling scheme
unshan Gu'an Automation Machinery Co., Ltd

Business hotline: Miss Liu 13776319563

Technical support: Gu Gong 18913224469

e-mail address:gooaon@163.com

Ali Wangpu:https://www.gooaon.com.cn

Address: No. 56, Gangpu East Road, Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

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