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Contact:Manager Liu 13776319563
Technical support: Gu Gong 18913224469
Email address: gooaon@163.com
Company official website: www.sanchuangsz.com www.gooaon.cn
Ali Wangpu: https://gooaon.1688.com/
Company address: No. 56, Gangpu East Road, Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.


Cable wire copper-plastic separation equipment

Date:2022/3/2 18:18:17 Hits:1114

Product Description

This equipment is suitable for the recycling and processing of various miscellaneous materials and wires. The large and small wires can be processed at the same time without being separated. There is no need to wash with water or burn. The copper-plastic separation rate can reach 99.9%. The recycling process is dust-free and pollution-free. It has good stability, and the separation cleanliness reaches 99.9%.

Processing renderings

unshan Gu'an Automation Machinery Co., Ltd

Business hotline: Miss Liu 13776319563

Technical support: Gu Gong 18913224469

e-mail address:gooaon@163.com

Ali Wangpu:https://www.gooaon.com.cn

Address: No. 56, Gangpu East Road, Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

Product selection

technical support

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