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Contact:Manager Liu 13776319563
Technical support: Gu Gong 18913224469
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Ali Wangpu:
Company address: No. 56, Gangpu East Road, Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

Special material crushing, raw rubber crushing, viscous material crushing solutions

  • 所属分类:Shredding Solutions
  • 型号:GSE-200T
  • 浏览次数:2861次
  • 发布日期:2017/12/26 18:31:22
  • 简介:Gu'an Machinery is a manufacturer of crushing machinery and equipment such as soft material crusher, elastomer crusher, light material crusher, thin material crusher, edge material crusher, rubber crusher, viscous material and so on.
  • 产品概述

Special Material Product Description:
Rubber, silicone and other soft adhesives will occur in the following situations during the crushing process:

  1. The elasticity is large, and it cannot be broken by impact alone
  2. It is viscous and heats up by repeated friction in the chamber cavity of the crushing chamber
  3. Liquidity is not strong, and the material is not smooth
  4. In case of heat, it will clump and stick to the knife.

Gu'an's rubber grinder: can crush natural rubber, vulcanized rubber, fluorine rubber, styrene-butadiene, nitrile, etc., can be crushed through different solutions.

Can crush soft glue, elastomers such as: TPE, TPR, TPU, TPV, PU, SEBS, silicone and other soft plastics, and can work continuously for 24 hours, non-stick knife, no clumping, no mesh blockage.

MIM pulverizer: This model is specially designed and manufactured for the miM characteristics of metal powder injection molding parts, crushing more than 85% of stainless steel powder or iron powder injection molded MIM parts, using strong wear-resistant tools, each operating part is designed with anti-dust, for MIM parts of defective products, water inlet crushing design, to avoid dust damage to the pulverizer components.

Next:Waste wire_cable_control line shredding and recycling scheme
unshan Gu'an Automation Machinery Co., Ltd

Business hotline: Miss Liu 13776319563

Technical support: Gu Gong 18913224469


Ali Wangpu:

Address: No. 56, Gangpu East Road, Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

Product selection

technical support

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