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Contact:Manager Liu 13776319563
Technical support: Gu Gong 18913224469
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Ali Wangpu:
Company address: No. 56, Gangpu East Road, Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

A plan for the confidential destruction of invalid identity cards, residence permits, and social security cards

  • 所属分类:Shredding Solutions
  • 型号:SMD-50
  • 浏览次数:3340次
  • 发布日期:2017/12/29 11:02:38
  • 简介:Gu'an Machinery provides you with a confidential destruction plan for invalid ID cards, residence permits, and social security cards
  • 产品概述

Invalid ID card, residence permit, social security card confidential destruction plan, on December 25, 2017, the Ministry of Public Security and Tencent announced: the country's first electronic ID card - WeChat "network card" was officially born, is expected to be officially promoted nationwide in January 2018! The card-based resident ID card that "ruled" Chinese 33 years has officially become history!

The magnetic stripe of the ID card has our personal important information, what if it is not destroyed well and the personal information is leaked? Gu An ID card crushing machine turned out to be born!

A plan for the confidential destruction of invalid identity cards, residence permits, and social security cards
Gu An ID card crushing machine, the crushing classification level can reach the NSA level 6 classification level, and can no longer be repaired to prevent information leakage!
Id card has personal electronic information, once the leakage is copied and fraudulently used, will produce an unpredictable effect, so the effective recycling of the ID card is very important, at present, some of the public security bureaus use the Gu'an ID card shredder, can reach the national level 2 to 6 confidentiality standards, so that the information on your card is destroyed, can not be recovered, and there is no worries!
Choose to buy id card shredder, please look for Gu An! The Gu'an crushing card machine has the following points:
(1) The design is small, the machine is small, and the appearance is beautiful;
(2) Low noise, idling noise of about 60 decibels, suitable for office space or public business outlets;
(3) No need for industrial power supply, the machine is equipped with plugs, and single-phase civil power supplies are plug-and-play;
(4) The Gu'an crushing card machine uses ergonomics, the height of the card input is about 0.9 meters, and the work is only a show of hands;
(5) Humanized design, simple operation, button switch control, no need for induction training;
(6) Box design, all transmission parts are hidden in the box body, safe operation;
(7) Simple maintenance, the use of low-heat Type Taiwanese motor, the machine life is longer;
(8) The crushed material is stored in the chassis of the shredder, which can be cleaned regularly, and the workplace is clean and pollution-free

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unshan Gu'an Automation Machinery Co., Ltd

Business hotline: Miss Liu 13776319563

Technical support: Gu Gong 18913224469


Ali Wangpu:

Address: No. 56, Gangpu East Road, Zhangpu Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

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